FREE TRAINING: Unlock a secret real estate revenue stream you can do from your laptop (no houses involved)

Never have to deal with a Bank again…

Never have to deal with a Bank again…

Have you tried talking to a bank about getting a loan lately?
If not you should try and my guess is you will appreciate what I am about to share with you.

It has gotten so difficult to get any kind of bank loan that many real estate investors have just plainly given up on and have left the field to anyone with loads of Cash.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.
What most people forget is that 35-40% of all homes in the U.S. are owned Free and Clear (or almost free and clear). And these sellers are begging you to buy their home from them (their buyers can’t get a bank loan) and are even willing to finance you without a bank involved.

Join our No-cost Webinar with Richard Roop on Tuesday 6/30/2009.

To make sure you have time for this we even have provided two options for you.
We will have 2 webinars broadcasts the same night.

Once at 6:00 PM Pacific time (= 9 PM EASTERN)
And once at 9:00 PM Pacific Time in an Encore Presentation.

Chose one of them or attend both (repetition of great information is a good thing)

But you can’t miss this because it might just change your life.

Learn how to find these sellers and how to structure deals that make
– Any property cash flow.
– Allow you to buy more properties than you can handle without ever talking to bank.
– Building a Free and Clear portfolio of houses in no time

Again that registration information is
For the 6:00 PM PACIFIC Time Webinar
for the 9:00 PM Pacific Time Encore Presentation.

As a matter of fact I have personally done 10 such deals in 12 weeks by just learning what Richard is teaching (and I plan to buy another 30-40 houses this year using his techniques).

P.S. This could be a live changing event for you. I am not kidding.
For the 6:00 PM PACIFIC Time Webinar

for the 9:00 PM Pacific Time Encore Presentation.