Hi, Jack Bosch here.
Yesterday I sent to you a link over to a Free Teaching on how to buy Free and Clear Houses in addition to my land business.
Didn’t get it? Go here www.FreeAndClearCashFlowMachine.com
In that email I have told you I had personally done such deals.
Well anyone can say that right?
To prove my bold statements I have put together the above special video of me (and my wife Michelle) walking you through some of the Free and Clear Houses.
In this video I am showing you how I bought each of these houses for under $50,000 (and one for $26,000) and how I
Make them Cash-Flow at rates of $500 and more per month (per house)
If you want to learn more about how I created this brand new and exciting business goto
P.S. As I said in yesterday’s email, I bought 10 homes in 12 weeks and just this week I am about to buy another 3 houses.
If you want to convince yourself that these deals exist and that you can buy them with little or none of your own money and still have them cash flow at $400 to $600 per month
Go here.