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Though basic maps can suffice in inspecting properties, technical maps are also useful to supplement the information of the basic maps and other documents

Technical maps can range as follows:
1. flood map;
2. soil map;
3. soil erosion map;
4. topography map;
5. land use map;

Related to typhoon, tornado and earthquake maps, flood map plots critical environment areas because it shows the flood area. It will inform you if a property is flood-prone or not. It sometimes details frequency and intensity of the flood. If the property is within the flood area, drop the property from the list. Also, check the water sewerage or drainage map. A property might be flooded but quickly drained with the presence of good sewerage and/or drainage map. Soil map is likely an advance map but can be a basic document if you are planning to sell farmlands. Soil map informs you the type of soil that a property has. It sometimes details appropriate crops for each type of soil.

Soil erosion map plots the area where heavy or slight erosions happen. Knowing it is essential in building houses and farms. A highly eroded property provides weaker house foundation or uncultivable farm. Topography map maps the terrain of the property and adjacent communities. It draws how flat or steep or hilly a property is. The closer the contour lines, the steeper.

The land use map shows the different land uses of a community. It identifies the commercial, industrial, agricultural, residential, protected areas and other classifications. Commercial lands are often expensive. Industrial lands too are expensive and definitely prohibited from human settlements. Often, only the residential and agricultural areas are cheap and marketable.

Most counties will post these maps on their websites or can fax you copies for a minimal fee.