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Jack Bosch here with a new sequel of my vacation report. This one is shot in the gorgeous medieval city of Ueberlingen, in Southern Germany where I am from. I even shot a special sequence along the Massive City Wall showing why it was necessary to do that back then.
Hi, This weekend is Independence Day. And what better way to celebrate it than to do your first step towards your own Financial Independence. I just celebrated mine by spending a month in Europe. I do that if possible every year and let me tell you, you come back as a different person after having spent a full month doing exactly NOTHING.
After a month of time out and being almost disconnected from my businesses, this is my first blog entry after being back. And I am going to share with you some of the beautiful impressions and lessons I learned during my vacation in Germany in this series of postings.
Hi, today May 25th is my Birthday. For real And not just any birthday. I am turning 40 years young. That calls for a celebration. I am celebrating with my family, will go for dinner with everyone and keep it low. After all being 40 is no easy thing.
I just did a webinar with Scott Meyers, national Self Storage Expert. Watch it here [hana-flv-player video=" 18.00 Self Storage __ Commercial Real Estate_s HIDDEN Cash Cow_JB Web Preset.flv" width="500" height="360" description="" player="3" autoload="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" autorewind="true" /]

Join Jack and Scott as an Self Storage Investor

This will only be available until Monday 5:00 pm Pacific time. So watch it now so you don’t miss out. If I were to tell you that I am going to be adding something else to my Real Estate Investments in addition to Land and Little Rental houses, would you believe me?

I Just released the list of bonuses you can get when you invest into the Commercial Foreclosures Goldrush RIGHT NOW [hana-flv-player video=" Video For Blog_JB Web Preset.flv" width="550" height="330" description="" ...

That's what I said when I watched this new video: And all I could think was, "Seriously? You two are just giving all this information away?!" I'm talking about D.C. and Karen, of course. And they have really gone "over the top" this...

Hi it's Jack Bosch writing you. I think you may want to see this, and I have some good reasons for thinking so. First, if you just want to go ahead and take a look, you can do it here: Here's the story...

I am in shock and because of that I just shot a new video for you. As you know I am the Land Guy but I also invest in little button of the food chain rental houses.Houses I buy for 30K to $50K and then rent for $800-$900 with a positive cash flow of between $300 and $500 each. I thought I had if figured out. Little did I know that there is a guy out there who is pulling in a multiple of this in a niche most people are being told to stay away from "Student Housing" And all of that while his properties are increasing in value by 30% a year And he only works 6 hours a week on this (while pulling in 6 Digits in PROFITS per year) Watch the video NOW and then ORDER DOUG FATH'S "Postive Cash Flow with Student Housing System" USING MY LINK & I'LL SEND YOU MY $11,585 IN BONUSES! Use anyone else's link, including Doug's and all these Bonuses go Bye-Bye :-(

Get Access to the Student Housing Cash Flow Secrets HERE

[hana-flv-player video=" Fath Launch Video_JB Web Preset.flv" width="550" height="360" description="" player="2" autoload="true" autoplay="false" loop="false" autorewind="true" /]

Get Access to the Student Housing Cash Flow Secrets HERE

And here are my bonuses when you get Doug's program through my link

Get Access to the Student Housing Cash Flow Secrets HERE

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