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Understanding how the county manages property data and delinquency data is an important and necessary skill to acquire. Here’s a list of delinquent tax report formats that you may encounter, especially if they were delivered electronically. Either by means of email or internet downloads. This...

Did you ever plan on investing your money on property or real estate? Perhaps now would be a good time to pursue this goal with the numerous Tax Delinquent Properties that are being offered out in the market today. I’m an active investor in this...

What to Do to bring home the Big Bucks. Who does not need a guaranteed quick buck? Anyone in the auction day may be thinking that it is full of risk. But I...

What is land banking? Simply put, it's the process of buying and holding unimproved real estate. Land banking is done for a number of reasons. Local governments can engage in it in order to preserve stretches of land or to have the...

In the past few years I have transacted over 5000 tax delinquent real estate investment deals. I want to take a few minutes to answer the number one question that most people have when first hearing about tax delinquent real estate investing and that is...

Individual Retirement Accounts are an extremely popular means of investing. Millions of Americans have them. Unfortunately, far too many are unsatisfied with their accounts' returns. The fact is that most Americans' IRAs will not usher them into retirement in anything close to...

When you do a title search basically what you are looking for is Marketable Title. Marketable title is really the absence of liens and clouds, the absence of IRS liens, and the absence of missing links in the chain of title. Missing links...

In the housing world usually most houses have mortgages. A Mortgage or A Deed of Trust with a Note is a lien against that property. However legitimate mortgages are not a problem. They technically are clouds, but they are so common that it’s just expected...

Here are two scenarios helpful in finding the properties of your choice: 1. The property has a Street address (Situs Address) If this is the case finding the property is very simple. Go online to or and enter the street name and the...

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