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Buying direct is the cheapest way of earning. Buying direct and trading without intermediaries or middleman or in-between guys always translate lesser transaction costs. It is time and cost-efficient business strategy. It is a no-brainer business model but always works especially with companies who are...

Basically if you start on something you should identify the tools you should need to be successful in it. Like if you are a carpenter and want to build a house, there will be ordinary and special tools needed for the carpenter to finish...

The Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P) is a technique in guiding you to be successful in your tax delinquent investment business. It does not only protect your interest and goals, but also, the budding transaction. Now after getting the entire pertinent datum after a phone call,...

Everyone has to start from something small. In the Tax Delinquent Investment Business, it would be wise to start out small during the beginning. On purchasing tax delinquent properties you’ve decided to focus more on lower dollar value properties. This is great since, the lower the...

Plat maps are important in tax lien property investment, especially when no clear address has been given to the property. As we all know they are illustrations that help us locate certain monuments in the area. This gives evidence of familiar landmarks. This is a...

Properties that are tax delinquents often go to auctions after 3-5 years because the county needs to make back their lost revenue. Auctions are the popular venues for selling and buying properties. But why should I wait 3-5 years to buy properties when I can...

Focus on tax delinquent properties, rural lands without houses and properties and especially without mortgages. These properties are cheap simply because they have lesser investment costs. To check, go online to the county’s website to do a title search if a property has mortgage. Visit...

What’s the difference between a workshop and a tele-workshop? Actually they are almost the same. There is a speaker, who is definitely the best in the field. In this particular case, a professional whose expertise is in Tax Delinquent investment would be the most...

Asking the most appropriate questions during a phone call transaction is very essential in reaching your Tax Delinquent Investment goals. Aside from the fact that you should be courteous, you should also know where to direct your conversation. Asking them these simple yet relevant questions...

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