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Maps are one of the important documents that you have to research, review and keep in inspecting properties. You can easily find map analysis of these technical maps online., and are few of the websites that provide such technical findings in a...

The property tax delinquent investment system works anywhere in the country. It works particularly in the fringes or suburb or surrounding of a metropolitan. It works in rural areas that are just 3-4 hours travel away from the city. It works in these areas because...

The road that leads to Tax Delinquent Investment Success I’ve discussed three types of letter that I usually write in my Tax Delinquent Investment business. What I will discuss in detail right now is what I call the 2nd type of letter. You might wonder what...

This is the other side of tax lien investment. If you as the tax delinquent investor want a property to be yours, then remember that you should go for the property that will most likely not be redeemed by the owner. What you should be...

My 6-week tele-workshops, direct email replies, instructional CD of the month, free sample documents and the internet are recommended references to learn and succeed in tax delinquent property investment. They will carefully prepare you in this business and teach you the tricks of the trade.

Have you tried talking to a bank about getting a loan lately? If not you should try and my guess is you will appreciate this Product Review. It has gotten so difficult to get any kind of bank loan that many real estate investors have just plainly...

Have you tried talking to a bank about getting a loan lately? If not you should try and my guess is you will appreciate what I am about to share with you. It has gotten so difficult to get any kind of bank loan that many real... Hi, Jack Bosch here. Yesterday I sent to you a link over to a Free Teaching on how to buy Free and Clear Houses in addition to my land business. Didn’t get it? Go here In that email I have told you I...

Tax Lien Auctions are just similar to traditional auctions. It has a very unique characteristic that should be observed and studied before effectively becoming an active bidder at one. Counties often have rules and regulations regarding the types of sales and foreclosure, which need to...

When investing in Free and Clear Real Estate (or Real Estate with high Equity) it is crucial to know what steps to need to take to make sure you achieve the success you are out to get. Follow these steps to make offers on free and...

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