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Before we start talks about conversion, Let’s define tele-seminar and an ebook. A tele- seminar is a seminar performed in a short period of time with an ample number of participants. It is usually conducted over a conference call or a one-on-one phone...

Your family is growing and the kids should really be getting rooms of their own. You’re doing the math if which is more cost effective, remodeling the house or getting a bigger one. Computations say it’s much cheaper doing the carpentry work, but if you...

When I first discovered my direct tax delinquent property investment method, I immediately looked for interested people to pilot-test it. We looked for the following people among our circle of friends: 1. those really interested in investing; 2. those who receptive to learn our system; 3. those with NO knowledge on...

Title searching is one of the most crucial parts in tax lien property investment. Years ago this task was painstaking. It has even eaten up every tax delinquent investor’s time for leisure. Now, because of the technological advancements in communication and information the task has...

Different states either sell tax liens or tax deeds to tax delinquent investors. Tax Deed states sell the actual property to you when an owner is delinquent for a number of years. Some states will sell you the Tax deed, however the original owner still...

A tax lien is a lien imposed on property by law to secure payment of taxes. Tax liens may be imposed for delinquent taxes owed on real property or personal property, or as a result of failure to pay property taxes or other taxes. So...

When you get involved in tax lien investing, you will probably be doing this on your own and start a business for yourself. The reason being is that you are most likely to get familiar with every angle of the business, if you deal...

What are the qualities of a good letter? What makes it unique and useful? These are just some of the questions you try to ask in your letter to a tax delinquent property owner. I might have discussed the 3 types of letters that can...

There is a niche market in real estate investment: people who dislike to live in the city or small builders who build homes or vacation homes for the upper class. These people are fatigued of the metropolitan lifestyle—traffic, pollution, crimes, expensive food, noise, etc. They...

In the Tax Delinquent Investment business, it would be best if there were a time frame to finalize a contract. If you made an offer today you should let the offer expire ten days from that date. You need to calculate days from the time...

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