land Tag

Uuuppss, Sorry that first version went out with some formatting problems. Here it is again with all issues fixed. O.k. I will make it short. I have now been teaching my LandProfitFormula system in one way or the other for a little over 1 year. And I...

First thing that you need when starting in tax delinquent investing is to pick a specific county to invest in and get a list of all tax delinquent property owners in the county and of all the properties that are currently delinquent on property taxes. ...

I received a bunch of calls and emails from you guys asking me to leave my MOBs program open for just a few more hours. Some said they would only be close to a computer late at night Some had other reasons to ask for an extension. To make...

O.k. To make it short. The allocated number Seats of the MOBs program that I had opened up, are almost gone. Therefore we will shut down access to purchase the MOBs Program tonight at midnight (Eastern Time) Make sure you take advantage of this opportunity to learn how...

In Tax Delinquent Investment, knowing how to write a letter is pertinent to your success. I have spoken of three different letters I use in my business. The first type of letter I use is the simple letter. This it one of the letters you...

Hi there, You have seen my videos over the last week On how you can create a tidal wave of people Interested in whatever you have for sale. These techniques work for Homes, Land, And even for stuff that is not real estate related. The system is now available...

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