land buyers Tag

Building wealth trough real estate takes just a little determination, dedication and education. One very important aspect of real estate investing that you should educate yourself on is how to evaluate or appraise a property’s value. This is very important to understand since your profit...

While dealing in the real estate industry, you should always have proper real estate education. There is increasing competition in this field and good sound real estate education will help you facilitate and understand the profitable new trends and niches.   Do Your Due Diligence Below is some...

Selling a property often requires skill, and to acquire this skill, you need a strong platform of real estate education. Building wealth in real estate deals is certainly tricky but not vary difficult if you solid real estate investing education.   Promoting your properties Whether you are broker...

Hi this is Jack Bosch from , Let me share a success story of one of our very first deals AFTER we had figured out this system on how to buy properties for as little as $100.00 and sell them days later for $10,000, $20,000...

I'd like to explain a little about where I am coming from, if I could. 7 years ago I discovered this secret system of buying Land For Pennies and have since then personally bought and sold more than Four Thousand Properties using exactly this system....

What I am about to show you, will allow you to buy beautiful, valuable properties for under $1,000.00, and even as low as $500.00, $200.00 or even under $100.00. YES you heard that right!!! TRUE REAL ESTATE for as little as $100.00!!! FREE AND CLEAR OF...

When buying a property using the techniques explained at one of the most important aspects is of course your ability to estimate and approximate how much a property is actually worth, irrespective of what the County Assessed Value is? Because it is based...

Selling on eBay - Part 2: In my last email I explained to you one of my many strategies and techniques for selling a property. In this email I will explain how to get maximum profit using the eBay selling strategy. For more information about...

How can I sell my property for huge profits? Once you purchased a few tax Delinquent properties you might be asking yourself how you can sell this property in a fast efficient and profitable way without having to become a realtor or jump through a...

Paying Property Taxes once you own the property: The first thing most of my students want to do after they successfully purchased a property is to go and pay-off those pending back taxes and Tax Liens Certificates (also called TLCs) issued against the property. Unless you have...

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