land buyers Tag

Make 16-32% on your money Buying Tax liens from the comfort of your home. Most people teaching Tax Lien Investing or actually doing the investing believe that the only way to obtain a Tax Lien is by going to the actual auction in person and...

What are “redeemable Tax Deeds” like used in Texas Tax Deed auctions In most states offering Tax Deeds the redemption period ends usually the day prior to the actual Tax Deed Sale. However there are a few noted exceptions like for example the state of Texas,...

Like in any market, Tax Deed have their share of problems. For example there is competition. Excessive competition during tax deed auctions auctions will affect the prices drive them up closer to the true market value. However in the Tax Deed arena has...

Like in any market, excessive competition at Tax Deed auctions will affect the prices drive them up closer to the true market value. However in the Tax Deed arena has some characteristics, which prevent this from happen. Characteristic #1: Cash requirements. Tax Deed Sales are...

Tax Lien and Tax Deed investments are a extremely safe form of obtaining huge returns on your money. Sometimes these returns are as high as 16 to 36% in the Tax lien area and can exceed this Massively if the investor forecloses on the property...

For many years, land has been said to be a sound investment in many ways. However, if you want to build your wealth by purchasing land, you need to be aware of a few things first and answer a few questions. What type...

One real estate technique that is crucial when buying or selling Tax Delinquent real estate or any form of real estate for that matter, and that is determining real estate value. We all know that sellers are trying to sell their properties for top...

How to Buy Land 3   You’ve done your homework on what to look for in purchasing land. You’ve got your cash in hand. Now how do you find these properties? You’ve got numerous options. You can start by looking at the Multiple Listing...

I will personally be showing You exactly how to build a multi-million dollar real estate empire from the ground up. This workshop will be taking place at my headquarters located in Phoenix Arizona on January, 25th, 26th and 27th 2008. Do not miss this exclusive...

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