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Knowing more about the tax delinquent investment property’s background helps you price the property appropriately. Knowing its history is one thing but to know that it’s been delinquent in taxes opens an opportunity for you, the Tax Delinquent Investor. How do you ask a property...

        In the Tax Delinquent Investment business, it is important to establish rapport with the seller. People like dealing with people they like, meaning they will do business with you if they like you. Give them a good laugh and show your interest on the...

In Tax Delinquent Investment, it is important to find out if a certain property you are looking to invest in has access to a road. How would you be able to get to your property if you couldn’t find a way to get there? Road...

In the Tax Delinquent Investment Business, you might want to start investing in a diversified market. When you find a property you are interested and when you already have the time to talk with the seller of a property, one thing that you should need...

Research is a vital part to your Tax Delinquent Investment Business. You would have to search for these properties in many different ways. Making use of today’s internet technology can help you save time and effort. And since time is Gold, saving it would definitely...

In the Tax Delinquent Investment business, if you’re interested in buying tax delinquent properties, you should speak with each seller first and get to FEEL him or her out and see what his or her motivations are.  As a result, from the initial List of...

Taking everything carefully like an infant learning to walk is very helpful in giving you clarity with your intentions. Having a more realistic, attainable set of goals is your primary responsibility before hitting the large scale. Meaning to say, you need to be specific with...

It is just annoying to receive phone calls from people who do not know what they are talking about. Or, not being able to speak with the suitable person you are trying to get a hold of. It just turns out to be useless and...

We are now in the modern advanced age. We are in an era where we use technology to our advantage. It is now the age of the A.I. We use technological gadgets like mobile phones, computers, palm pilots, etc. in connecting with other people. Thus,...

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