land buyers Tag

Cities always have its charming opportunities but rural land has its own subdued riches. Buy property in the countryside and earn more greens.   Rural property investment offers more profit because there is less competition among real property investors. Though more people flocked to the city...

This is no rocket science but the quickest way to buy properties is just… buy direct from property owners. Do away with the lengthy (and boring) process of auction sales and race ahead.   Though speed could be tragic, it can offer sure gains when calculated...

With the advent of globalization, businesses need to cope with trading internationally. Since time difference is always a problem the aspiration of setting-up a 24/7 office is one’s businessman’s dream. For a Tax Delinquent Investor this is almost a necessity. There is not one time...

As one might say if there is one constant thing in this world it’s got to be tax.  So whichever state or country you are in, it is certain that landowners have real property tax obligations.    So anywhere in the world, you are almost certain...

In today’s electronic age, data and information travels from one point to another point in just a split of a second.  If we need certain data we can access it from anywhere through the internet. It could be information from the library or even directly...

In Tax Delinquent Investment, it is important that you have a Tax Roll List at hand. This is usually encoded in Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet program. When you have this list, the next thing that you need to do is to sort it down....

A well-modulated voice is pleasant to hear when you are on the phone. Your voice is the only thing that a seller knows about you. Chances are when they phone you they know nothing about you so this is like a first impression they have...

A successful tax delinquent investment requires your undaunted focus towards your ultimate goal. Just like a golfer intimidated yet captivated by the sublimely peaceful greenery -- his goal is the hole on the other end. As well as, with a person who plays darts --...

            In the Tax Delinquent Investment business, you shouldn’t wait until the tax delinquent property comes up for the highly competitive tax lien or tax deed auctions.  You don't want to wait to invest in the property, when it has accumulated years of unpaid taxes....

How do you know when you’re talking to the right person? In my experience, at times when a seller is interested in disposing his or her junk or tax delinquent property, the one that phones me isn’t the owner of the property. It’s either someone...

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