land buyers Tag

Earn by not buying tax delinquent properties. Earn by paying the interest payments accrued from the redemption deed. This redemption technique is however in only a few states like Texas and Tennessee. The rule is that the for a period of time the original owner can...

With the rise of the number of foreclosed properties and properties for sale for as low as 50% of their previous market value, there is no better time to seriously think about Tax Delinquent Investing, NOW. There are a lot of folks giving up their properties...

Hey Jack here, This is CRAZY. People are going NUTS over video series I am posting on Seems like the idea of buying "land for pennies" is a lot more EMOTIONAL than I thought. Just check out some of the comments from people at the site...

Tax delinquent properties are cheap and the rural tax delinquent properties are the cheapest. Counties often auction rural property at the cheapest minimum bid price because of lack of competition—few real estate agents flock to auctions in the countryside because high premium properties are often in...

Trusting your instincts is a natural habit in knowing whether you've got the capacity to make quick decisions or not. It makes decision making so easy if you trust your own judgement. If you just impulsively did something without thinking about it, chances are, you...

When you are involved in tax delinquent investments, selling is most definitely a huge part of it. Even if you have a diversified portfolio: some you sell some you keep, chances are you invested on that tax delinquent property to turn a profit. When you...

We may practically know what the ‘GREEN ZONE’ is from our fellow US artillery forces in Iraq. It is the safest place for them over there. Just like that in the Tax Delinquent Investment business, you must too always know that SAFETY is of the...

When you are a Tax Delinquent Investor, search for a good piece of land rather then trying to find that single family house with at front yard and a white picket fence. Land is for the most part the neglected child of real estate; however...

Getting a topographical view of the property that you want to invest in has a great advantage in the Tax Delinquent Investment business. Having all the details of the property gives you an idea if there is a big wash happening in it. A wash...

The advance technique on excess proceeds is a low effort technique, but certainly earns money. It simply requires you to buy a tax delinquent property before the auction sale and have the deed recorded on time. No more, no less. By default, a tax delinquent...

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