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How To Make This Your Best Year Yet!

How To Make This Your Best Year Yet!

Happy New Year!

Let me ask you something…

What if you could start 2013 off more focused, more productive, and much more results driven?

With the New Year here it’s time to look at your goals for the next 12 months – and make this year your best yet!
There’s no time better then the present to plan your future.

So where do we start?

First, Look back at 2012. What worked for you? What would you change? And what do you want to improve?

Then let’s look at your vision… do you have clear written goals with an action plan to get you there.

Think what action steps you need to take in the next 12 months, then break than down to major milestones. What do you need to do each month, each week… and what daily action will move you toward your goals?

The universe rewards action…

And if you want get more done, here are a couple tricks to increase your productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique –  A time management method created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s that helps you accomplish what you want to do by transforming time into a valuable ally.

It’s a simple strategy utilizing a timer & simple checklists.  Again, very simple – but very effective of making the most out of your time.

Visit: for free information on how to apply the Pomodoro Technique to your life.

Timing Your Work: Something magical happens when you set a specific time limit to your work. It’s a main principle behind the Pomorodo. There is a simple app for your computer that acts as a time clock. Visit

Get more done in 2013 and you’ll get bigger results!

I look forward to hearing about your success in the new year!

~ Jack