A successful tax delinquent investment requires your undaunted focus towards your ultimate goal. Just like a golfer intimidated yet captivated by the sublimely peaceful greenery — his goal is the hole on the other end. As well as, with a person who plays darts — his only goal is the bull’s eye. Our ultimate goal is to deliver the most appealing letter to be read and understood and to yield a successful transaction regardless on what motivation gets you there. Being focused on our target – a low price for a great tax delinquent property and a good relationship with the owner are prime ingredients in hitting the bull's eye.
Formulating a short letter is simple and easy. Our focus is to formulate a direct, straight to the point, focused and positive letter. An average of three to five sentences or a paragraph will do. Let me give you one good example,
“I noticed you own land in
With a clear intention in stating your interest in a short letter, it will definitely yield the highest response rate from owners. Being direct and straightforward is not a disadvantage since, you get to express your message in a clear concise manner and avoid wasting time by not beating around the bush. From this type of letter, you definitely projected a very firm and edged personality. With honesty, clarity and sincerity you can be sure you have made a good impression and could possible earn you an investment property. You can say that, you definitely hit the bull’s eye!