Today is thanksgiving 2011,
I just wanted to wish you all a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING (aka turkey day)
I hope you are spending it with your families in person or if not then at heart with them.
I am spending the day with my wife, daughter and mother in law )
as you spend the day either enjoying or dreading having to hang out with the family, I would like to
remind you of the deeper sense of the day.
Both my wife and I being Immigrants from Honduras and Germany respectively, we had to first learn to
appreciate the meaning of Thanksgiving.
But now that we have a daughter we have embraced it and really taken in its meaning.
And if you think back to the first settlers, they truly gave thanks for having survived the first year in an
environment without Houses, Roads, Bathrooms or grocery Stores.
Imagine their dreams when first having set foot onto this land.
their dreams must have been truly GRAND!!!
And guess what, over time many accomplished it.
and the meaning of the “Land of opportunity” still holds true.
It reminds me of something said by Nelson Mandela which goes as follows:
“There is no passion found in playing small – in settling for a life
that is less than what you are capable of living” – Nelson Mandela
Therefore, on this day I want to encourage you to play big, bigger than you have ever thought posible.
It might not happen over night but it will happen over time.
Whatever it is that you have set up as your goals, keep an open mind because you never know how it will show up for you.
And what has worked for me is to not set your goals on a firm $$ number but instead setting my goal on what it takes to play full out.
Because I promise you one thing. If you do everything you do at 110% and leave nothing on the table (and we all know that if you do something at only 100% you still have something left to give) you have only one way to go and that is up towards success.
For me I look at life a little different.Particularly on days like today, where I give THANKS for what amazing life I already have:
I am often thinking that whenever that day might come and I am to leave this earth, i want to be able to say “I have played full out, I have done what I wanted to do, and I have lived a GREAT live”
one of my mentors, Keith Cunningham, said something along the lines of: “the Definition of Hell would for many be to, as the person we are, meet the person we could have been”
I agree with that, and because of that, at the end of the day, I wish for all of you (and for me too) to have a life where we can meet the person we could have been and see that this person is very close to who we became.
And every day that I make a decision to become more of that person or when I can help you move in that direction is a day for me to be grateful for life.
And today is a day to give thanks for whatever progress we have made on that path. At least that is what I do on this day.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving,
Jack Bosch
P.S. I have a gift for you here: