When dealing in Tax Delinquent Real Estate you will invariably have to work with the counties and their employees and officials on an ongoing basis.
Here are few things to take into consideration when dealing with the county officials.
- County officials are elected and therefore are politicians. They work for their constituency and not for you (although officially they should)
- County employees are government employees and are not rewarded for their creativity and “go get it done” attitude, but instead are working for their retirement benefits.
Having made the above two statements, I have usually a GREAT relationship with county employees and officials.
But you need to understand where they are coming from. County employees are usually in positions where there is no way for them to advance into a higher position. They are Case workers or customer service personnel and the supervisor (if there is one) is usually already in his/her position for many years or the immediate supervisor is the elected official him/herself. Therefore since there is nowhere to go and the work they do is pretty much the same year in, year out, they tend to be the kind of individuals who work to pay the bills and for the benefits. Life in their point of view is being lived after work and on the weekends.
That is fine but it kind of goes against what you want to accomplish when you get there. You want help, assistance, questions answered, paperwork processed, etc. and all of the above in the fastest possible time. That is a dilemma.
However in my experience there are ways to get stuff done fast. One