Author: Luis Garate

So you've decided that you want to buy some real estate and you're convinced that raw land could be a good investment. That's a solid choice. It's no secret that a wisely chosen, well-placed parcel of undeveloped land can return its investment price many, many times over. And, believe it or not, there's millions and millions of available acreage still available in this country to purchase for pennies on the dollar. But where are these land deals, and how do you find them?
When attending a Tax Lien Sale you are investing your hard earned money in a Lien against a property you don’t own.
You obviously don’t want to do this without checking out the underlying property at least a little bit by doing a quick preliminary title search.
For this do NOT hire a title company to do that for you. I don’t believe in paying money for a service on a property I don’t even know if I will be able to buy the Tax Lien Certificate for.
One real estate technique that is crucial when buying or selling Tax Delinquent real estate or any form of real estate for that matter, and that is determining real estate value. We all know that sellers are trying to sell their properties for top dollar and buyers are trying to steal properties from sellers. Let's face it, you don't want to buy a property for $200,000 only to find out after the deal is done that its real value is $100,000 or $150,000. No one likes to lose money. We want to build our wealth and in order to do this we have to gain real estate knowledge.
When buying a property using the techniques explained at one of the most important aspects is of course your ability to estimate and approximate how much a property is actually worth, irrespective of what the County Assessed Value is? Because it is based on this value that you decide how much to offer so you can make your desired profit of 500% to 1,000% and more. Here is a very brief list of resources as a preview of the actual guide (which is much more detailed). For more details on how to determine a good value estimate on properties and how you can buy them for as little as $100.00, purchase my guide
Working from home, isn’t that everyone’s dream? Getting up when you like to, Not having to fight traffic, working whenever you want, wherever you want… probably is.
I would like to tell you that creating a Steady and growing monthly cash flow of $5,000 to $40,000 is not only possible but possible within 1-2 years working from home in your spare time.
Have you ever heard these infomercials advertising that you can buy properties worth tens of thousands of dollars for as little as $100? The difference between you and me is that you probably did not believe these claims and I did.

What I am about to show you, will allow you to buy beautiful, valuable properties for under $1,000.00, and even as low as $500.00, $200.00 or even under $100.00. YES you heard that right!!! TRUE REAL ESTATE for as little as $100.00!!! FREE AND CLEAR OF...

Tax liens are an excellent way to make a high interest rate on your money and if you apply some advanced logic to your investing strategy you can quite often hit the jack pot and become the owner of the actual property. However like everything, there are some issues with this. I have mentioned a few of them in my article “Disadvantages of Tax Deed and Tax Lien Investments” but today I want to talk about a different and mostly forgotten one.
One of the myths of Tax Delinquent Property Investing, is the myth that all these properties coming up for auction are junk. Why else would someone let a property that they own free and clear without a mortgage go for property taxes. Couldn’t they just sell it? And if they can’t sell it how bad does it have to be for them to see a Tax Deed sale as the only option.
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