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When Land Investing: Learn how to focus

When Land Investing: Learn how to focus

One of the biggest principles that I teach my students is that what you focus on WILL expand. It will take up more of your time, it will become more important, it will become bigger and more bothersome. Now for some issues this is a good thing. But for a negative issue, it can be incredibly consuming of your time and emotionally draining.

History can show that whatever you focus on will grow, from war to depression. What this means is that if you focus on sales, your sales will grow. If you focus on customer service, it will improve. But if you focus on negative things, those will grow as well. If you focus on how much your life sucks, life will suck more! If all you think about is how scarce your money is, it will become more and more scarce.

It may sound a bit cliché, but a positive mindset is the first step towards becoming successful investor and business owner. It’s something that’s not easy to do and will require a conscious effort at first. Deep down you know you have that negative friend. There’s always something going wrong in their life. They come to expect negativity in their life so it becomes the status quo. If you can’t be positive, then you will find it extremely difficult to become a successful person!