Before I tell you about my book I want to mention my two live seminars in the next few weeks one more time.
They are in:
Orlando, FL: September 10-12, 2010
Los Angeles, CA: October 8-10, 2010
Why should you come?
Because my seminars are the single most powerful events in the Real Estate Industry, PERIOD!!
Register here and then read on (it’s important):
Want to get in For FREE*?
Here is how:
I am writing a book. I already have lined up the publisher, the editor and the text is almost done. And I want to put your success stories into the book. Cool, isn’t it?
But there is something else.
Register now here and once you send me the Success Stories I will refund your tuition.
So here is what you need to do:
– Register for the Event (Orlando or Los Angeles)
– Send me a success story (to )
– We will then immediately refund your tuition
– And then become published in my next book.
P.S. If you don’t’ have a success story yet
but want to learn how all these people
do their deals you want to come to my
next event in Orlando, FL in September
(or to Los Angeles, CA in October)